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Is It Really a Good Deal?

Picure it. You are the technology coordinator for your school district. An administrator from one of the schools in your district has raised money for "technology" and would like to purchase student devices that are not on the approved list. The administrator is very excited about the purchase because by choosing this particular device, he feels that he is going to be getting a good deal. 

There are some very difficult realities. The devices in question 

  • are not part of the district's technology plan
  • will not stay connected to the current wifi
  • are not compatible with the mobile device manager
  • would require a significant amount of time to set up and manage

What do you do?

Qualities of a successful technology coordinator include "being an effective communicator, successfully managing personnel, solving problems, seeing the big picture and effective time management" (Frazier and Hearrington, 2017, p. 148).

Effective communication will be crucial in this particular situation. I would request that we set up a face-to-face meeting to discuss the administrator's proposed purchase. I would listen respectfully and ask clarifying questions so that I better understand the purpose of the purchase. I would be honest about the fact that the proposed devices will not work and explain why. For example, they will not stay connected to the wifi. If the devices will not work properly with the infrastructure, both teachers and students will become frustrated, and the devices will go unused. It will be a waste of time and money. Unfortunalty, when a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

During this meeting, I would ask two questions.
  1. What is the intended use of the device?
  2. How will using this device impact student learning?

I think that all too often we get caught up with what's the latest and greatest, but we have to remember to focus on how everything we do ultimatly impacts our students. "The best digital learning tools are based on educational research and are designed for maximizing the learning benefits when used in specific educational settings" (Baughman and McWilliams, 2017).

Once I have a better idea of the purpose for the intended devices, I would offer to work with the administrotor to find an alternate device that will meet his goals, but also fit within the district's technology plan and work within the current infrastructure. The technology coordinator will "work with administrators and staff members to consider needs, develop technology solutions, consult with vendors about available products, and condut professional development training sessions" (Frazier and Hearrington, 2017, p. 147).

Is this really a good deal?

There is usually so much more that has to be considered when making technology purchases in the educational setting. There are often hidden costs that the typical teacher or administrator would not know about. For example, does the device require software and licencing? Are there additional "accessories" that will need to be purchased to make the device work, such as cords, cables, and protective cases to prevent the devices from damage. 

Other considerations include data security, connectivity, and managment of the devices. Speaking of management, will the technology department have time available to trouble-shoot and support the new devices? All of these things add to the total cost of the device. So, what seems like a good deal might not be such a good deal after all.

It reminds me of this old comercial. With each additional component needed to make these devices work, the price just keeps going up!

I feel certain that by working togehter, I would be able to help guide the administrator to several products that would help him reach his goals but also fit within the district's technology plan. In adition, I would be able to help support the effective integration of the technology by providing professional development and training which is invaluable as teachers utilize the new devices to impact learner outcomes (Baughman and McWilliams, 2017).


Boughman, M. & McWilliams, K. (2017, May 17). If edtech efficacy research ignores implementation, how 

Classic New Orleans TV. (2016, February 17). Cha ching Seth Green 1992 Rally's Hamburgers 
commercial [Video file]. YouTube.

Frazier, M. & Hearrington, D. (2017). The technology coordinator’s handbook (Third Edition). 
International Society for Technology in Education.

Giphy. Glrls Take GIF by


  1. Valerie, even as a teacher I'm sure you've heard other teachers express the desire that they wish they had a certain tool or program. I personally receive so many emails and notes through the year wanting me to check out certain things. I agree with all of your points wholeheartedly. I like how you narrowed your response directly down to the intended use and the impact on student learning. You could even bring in references to the vision of technology use from the school, since this directly correlates to budgets and purchases (Frazier & Hearrington, 2017).

    Sometimes teachers are just adamant though. I have asked some before to be a guinea pig of sorts for a trail run before we dive in. Roth suggests looking for items with a free trail or low cost and let a small group try out a product to gauge its success (2014). That may be a way to satisfy their want and might lead to a great discovery!

    Roth, A. (2014, November 19). 4 steps to help make informed technology decisions. Edcause.
    Fraizer, M. & Hearrington, D. (2017) The technology coordinator's handbook. International Society for Technology in Education. 3rd edition.


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