Do You See What I See?
It is imperative that the educational technology coordinator has a vision for the types of technology and how that technology will be used in their school system. It is also imperative that their vision is shared with all applicable stakeholders (Frazier and Hearington, 2017). Without an established and shared vision, technology cannot positively impact teaching and learning. Isn’t student learning the ultimate goal in education? “Technology coordinators are key players in fostering, supporting, and sustaining the use of technology for teaching and learning” (Frazier and Hearington, 2017, p. 32). Technology coordinators understand that technology provides both teachers and students with great resources, new opportunities for learning, as well as ways to collaborate and create (Jain, 2021).
How Can Technology Improve Instruction?
Delivery of instruction can take place in a traditional face-to-face classroom setting, completely online, or a blend of the two. No matter which type of delivery, students will need access to devices capable of connecting to the internet, as well as a Learning Management System to organize and manage the delivery of instructional materials. (Frazier and Hearington, 2017). “Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance” (Jain, 2021, p. 150).
One benefit of having access to a LMS like Google Classroom is that students always have access to the instructional materials. I have been especially thankful for Google Classroom this year as students have been in and out of quarantine. I have been able to upload materials and assignments to Google Classroom for students to access from home. They have been able to keep up with the same assignments just as they would if they were attending class in person.
Another positive outcome from using Google Classroom is that I can differentiate assignments. For example, when my students were writing personal narratives, I was able to assign a Google Doc to specific students that provided them with sentence starters. I was able to quickly and easily provide this accommodation through Google Classroom.
Why Is Professional Development So Important?
Technology coordinators can provide students and teachers with the latest and greatest technology, but if they don’t know how to effectively use it, it will not positively impact teaching and learning. “The technology coordinator should be aware of important aspects of professional development, best practices in planning and implementing professional development, and how to find ways to conduct effective assessment of professional development” (Frazier and Hearington, 2017, p. 38-39).
My school system uses a variety of professional development delivery methods. We continue to use face-to-face professional development. Often it is not cost effective to train all employees, so we often train a team of teachers who then turn the training around at their school or to their grade level. We are also using a digital delivery system called MobileMind HQ. Training sessions can be “assigned” for teachers to complete at their own pace. This has been a great way to deliver required training and monitor who has successfully completed the training. It ensures that the same information and level of instruction is delivered to everyone. So far this year we have used it for PowerSchool training specific to our school system, implementation of the Rhithm App, and training on how to update our class websites. With MobileMind, I have especially appreciated the ability to participate in professional development at a time and place that is convenient for me. I also have appreciated the ability to go back and reference the material again if needed.
Frazier, M. & Hearrington, D. (2017). The Technology Coordinator’s Handbook (Third Edition).
International Society for Technology in Education.
Giphy. Loop Wow Gif.
Jain, S. B. (2021). Technology and Education - Prospects of a Future Classroom. Shanlax
I am also very thankful for Learning Management Systems as well. I don’t know what I would do without Google Classroom. It has been a lifesaver during the pandemic. Like you, I have had several students who have been in and out of quarantine. I love that they can be given access to the same materials being used in the classroom. Teachers at our school are required to assign at least one activity in Google Classroom per week that ideally would be completed in class. We started this the first full week of school. This allowed us to teach our students how to use Google Classroom before they were in quarantine. It also allowed our technology coordinator to see which teachers needed support. As Frazier and Hearrington (2017) pointed out, technology coordinators must support teachers in implementing technology. The way your school system is doing professional development sounds amazing. It would be so nice to complete trainings at a place and time that is convenient for teachers. I also love that you still have access to it so that you can go back and review previous professional development sessions. In an article by Sims et al. (2021), studies found that time was one of the most important conditions for professional development to be successful. They acknowledged how teachers need time to prepare for a sub, time to process the information taught, and time to implement the new strategies. The system you described would definitely help alleviate some of the issues with time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Dana Janney
Frazier, M., & Hearrington, D. (2017). The technology coordinator’s handbook (3rd ed.). International Society for Technology in Education.
Sims, S., Fletcher-Wood, H., O’Mara-Eves, A., Cottingham, S., Stansfield, C., Van Herwegen, J., Anders, J., & Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) (United Kingdom). (2021). What are the characteristics of effective teacher professional development? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Education Endowment Foundation.
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ReplyDeleteLearning management systems are invaluable considering the proliferation of virtual learning. The ability for instructors to place the materials in one easy accessible way has proven to be extremely beneficial for the management of the class. Google Classroom was one that I relied on very much when I was a classroom teacher and my son relies on it now for his materials. In Jefferson County, we switched to Schoology and much like Google Classroom, it has been a valuable tool for our teachers and students. As Bradley (2021) states in online classroom environments, LMS reinforces teachers and students in the learning process. A standard LMS supports an inclusive learning environment for academic progress with interceding structures that promote online collaborative-groupings, professional training, discussions, and communication among other LMS users.
They will only prove to be more valuable and refined in the years to come.
Andrew Reid
Bradley, V. M. (2020). Learning management system (LMS) use with online instruction. International Journal of Technology in Education, 4(1), 68.
Properly using an LMS can make a huge difference for the students. Especially in the age of quarantines and close contact isolation. It goes directly with your other topic of professional development. If teachers have not been trained to use it appropriately it can be confusing for the teacher, students, and parents.
ReplyDeleteI had not previously heard of MobileMind HQ, I will have to investigate that further.